After finding out that Gigi Hadid, Beyoncé Knowles, Rihanna, Amber Rose, Gwen Stefani and Angelina Jolie all wore wigs on the red carpet, you bought yourself the same nice hairpiece. You fell in love with the human hair wig from the first time you laid eyes on it, and all the more when you touched its smooth and soft strands. Wearing human hair wigs is actually an industry-standard in the entertainment world. Because seriously, what good is a well-done makeup without gorgeous hair, right?
You were expectant. You tried the wig for the first time but it doesn’t seem to look quite right. You wear them again for a few days but it just feels uncomfortable. The same wig that made celebrities impeccable does not boost your confidence at all but only made you insecure.
Learning by trial and error is not an option when your reputation is on the line. But fear not, because we’re here to save you from the brink of an embarrassing wig malfunction. Simply avoid these top 10 mistakes that newbie wig-wearers make, and you’ll be wearing wigs like a pro.
Mistake no. 1: Not cutting the lace edges
Most newbies do not cut the lace edges for fear that they might overdo it and make the wig unwearable. But not doing so is a disaster in the making. If you are out on a romantic date and the wind blows just right to move the hair away from your hairline, your date will be able to see the lace edges and that’s just humiliating.
Do not cut off too much lace. Cut small portions of the lace instead of all of it at once. Cut the lace all around the front and sides of the lace wig using a long fluid scissors strokes to avoid the jagged edges.
Mistake no. 2: Using wig adhesives without testing them first
As with any product that we want to use on our face, do a patch test first. Glues are chemicals that may not suit all skin types. Apply a drop of glue on your forearm and leave it for a few hours or overnight. Notice the area after two days of patch test. If there is no allergic reaction, you may use the glue. If you see even the slightest skin irritation, forget using it.
Or better yet, opt for Addcolo’s glueless wigs. A comfortable grip band may also help eliminate the need for combs, clips, or pins in securing the wig, thus preventing possible bald spots and headaches.
Mistake no. 3: Not wrapping your hair properly
Gorgeous wigs cannot work their miracle without a great foundation– a neatly, properly wrapped hair. Not doing so will cause the wig to look puffy rather than natural. While braiding takes more time, it is ideal, especially for those with longer hair. Do not braid your hair too tight as this might lead to scalp and thinning hair problems in the future.
Mistake no. 4: Choosing the wrong hair density
Always choose wigs that look natural on you. The wig should look as realistic as possible. Never choose heavy density wigs unless you have lost all your hairs or if you are in the entertainment industry where a voluminous look is a must.
Mistake no. 5: Ignoring the hygiene of your real hair
Choosing a wig that allows your scalp to breathe is very important. Proper breathability of the materials will keep your scalp comfortable and dry. A net wig cap is a great option, this will not dry the hair as cotton and nylon do. Addcolo’s wig cap uses breathable materials to make sure that there is airflow inside the wig.
Proper hygiene and keeping the scalp dry is important. Wearing a wig on a wet or damp hair can cause bacteria and fungus to grow. This can cause irritation and unpleasant odor. Those who sweat more must shampoo their hair more frequently and allow it to dry thoroughly.
Mistake no. 6: Improperly combing and washing your wig
Extreme care should be taken when combing the wig hair and it should always be from tip to root. Never comb on wet hair. When styling, take extra care around the knots, making sure you do not pull on them. Use a wide tooth comb or a wig brush. Do not wash a wig with extremely hot water as this will lead to shedding. Excessive heat from a blow dryer can also damage the wig hair, always blow dry on a low heat setting.
Mistake no. 7: Choosing a wig color that does not match your skin tone
Choose a wig color that compliments your skin tone. This will make the wig look natural. If you prefer to experiment, your other option is to match it to the color of your eyebrows. The closer the color is to your skin tone, the more natural it will look.
Mistake no. 8: Not choosing a cap that matches your scalp color
Many newbies make the mistake of wearing the wrong cap color under their lace wig. Wearing the wrong cap color only makes it visible and obvious to people that you are wearing a wig. If the cap hiding your real hair is visible, it will be an embarrassing moment that will haunt you forever.
You want to choose a cap that is as close to your normal skin tone as possible. While it can be challenging to find one that matches your skin color exactly, blending the color of the cap with makeup powder or dyeing can be your other options.
Mistake no. 9: Wearing a wig with an unnatural hairline
Your own hairline is naturally jagged and uneven, so it will definitely look unnatural if the hairline of your wig is too straight and perfect.
You can use tweezers to carefully pluck out random pieces of hair in the wig hairline. The main focus is to make a gradual fade from the hairline to the rest of the hair. Create baby hairs that are very thin and short. Or rather than trying to cut the hairline yourself, take it into a professional lace wig stylist.
Better yet, save yourself from the hassle by getting Addcolo’s wigs that come with pre-plucked hairlines.
Mistake no. 10: Not planning ahead
Gorgeous human hair wigs may seem like the coolest invention ever because of the instant makeover and beauty lift they bring. But be warned, there are certain activities that are not wig-friendly. Ditch the wig if you will be doing extreme activities. Do not attempt Beyoncé-style hair flips, super intense workout, and roller coaster rides while on a wig. Be wary of situations where someone can pull at your hair (example: kid’s party). It is also healthy to give your hair breathing room by ditching the wig every few days.
Avoid these ten mistakes and you’re good to go. Remember that human hair wigs are actually designed to be slightly larger, longer, and thicker than average. This is because they were meant to be cut, sized, and thinned to your exact needs. It’s normal for a wig to look “wiggy” when it’s straight out from the box.
If you’re not yet confident enough to tweak the wig, take it to a professional lace wig stylist. If you’re into D-I-Y, watch YouTube experts do it. Do not rely on one source, but compare and contrast different techniques and decide what tweaks are best for you.